The project URBAN GReen Education for ENTteRprising Agricultural INnovation (URBAN GREEN TRAIN) will create an innovative training path in the field of Urban Agriculture (UA) entrepreneurship.
The project consortium includes excellence Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), innovative SMEs and NGOs of high level expertise on different and complementary fields: UA, education, dissemination, innovation in HE and University-Society- Business-Cooperation (USBC), with partners from France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.
The project, that will last 36 months, will create a model of training curriculum on 5 key areas affected by UA:
These macro areas have been provisionally identified during the proposal preparatory phase and will be re-designed according to the results of the initial project phase (leading to the development of Output 1-New urban agriculture initiatives toward a mindset change).
Within this phase, partners will undertake a survey aimed at identifying new entrepreneurial models, training opportunities and needs, as to update the state of art of UA entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education, also carrying out a comparative analysis of the results as to have a picture of what is going on in Europe on UA.
As result of this work two inventories will be created and made available on line, respectively of business and training opportunities in UA, with a focus on identifying existing modules and resources to be further adapted and developed to respond to the target groups needs, and those missing to be developed ex – novo.