The RecoLATIN project aims at increasing the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility within the Latin American and European higher education systems by increasing the recognition of qualifications within the Latin American and European Regions. It involves 17 partners, from France, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, and Uruguay.
The partners intend to enhance their skills as credential evaluators, defining common tools among national and international organisations. In addition to facilitating mutual trust and understanding, the RecoLATIN project allows the sharing of relevant information on educational systems of both regions. Two international conferences were organised at the end of the RecoLATIN project in 2019, one in Mexico and one in Italy.
The project included online and face-to-face training for government and university staff, developing guidelines for the evaluation of non-traditional, cross-border or trans-national education and distance learning institutions and procedures for the recognition of refugees’ qualifications.
The project activities will lead to the improvement of recognition of foreign qualifications and improved student mobility between and within the Latin America and Europe.