Although measures to prevent early school leaving exist in most European countries, the percentage of young people leaving school prematurely remains above 10% in 2015

After experiencing the transfer of good practices and a methodology to fight early leaving school to a European level, we found out that drop-out interventions often tend to focus on the school context and the students themselves, whereas parental, environmental and social actions play such an important role in this process


The transnational partnership aims to:

  • Develop and set up a school attachment system centered on the inclusion of families.
  • Define the needs of families and actors in the field through the development of a state places,
  • Promote synergies between family-school-social assistance actors (assistance to youth, public services, etc.) to reduce the risk of students dropping out of school and / or improve their success,
  • Improve the dialogue with families by making more comprehensible the meaning and the stakes of schooling and the functioning of the school system,
  • Develop a transnational device corresponding to the identified needs, test it and adapt it,
  • Outfit the actors in the field to take into account the family factors in the accompaniment of school dropouts.


Through this project, we want to target families (with particular attention to families at risk of dropping out) of pupils aged from 6 to 18 years.






  • Comité Européen de Coordination– CEC (Belgium)
  • Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Associazone (Italy)
  • Fundacio Privada Trinijove (Spain)
  • Fundacio Escoles Parroquials – L’Esperança (Spain)