The contribution of peace actors to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus: peace and inclusion in the Republic of North Macedonia.

  • Date: 07 DECEMBER 2020  from 14:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Forlì Campus and online on Microsoft Teams


On 7 December 2020 (14: 00-17: 00) Dr. Sara Barbieri (Italian Government Expert for EU CSDP Missions) had a talk on 'The contribution of peace actors to the Humanitarian-Development-A Peace nexus: peace and inclusion in the Republic of North Macedonia '.

A seminar on 'Career opportunities in international organizations: how to get started?'  followed.

Among the speakers: Prof. Stefano Bianchini, Rector's Delegate for International Relations with Eastern European Countries; Prof. Eugenia Baroncelli, University of Bologna and Dr. Ervjola Selenica, Spring Hill College. The facilitator was Dr. Marco Zoppi. 

The meeting was held in blended mode at the Teaching Hub of the Forlì Campus, Aula 4, Viale Corridoni 20 and online through Microsoft Teams.

 Both events are designed for our community, student and research, but open to all interested parties.

The first of a series destined to continue also for next year, these two events intend to draw attention to the synergies between humanitarian action, development support and peace support in high-risk and conflict areas. In fact, we believe that the domestic and European focus that rightly distinguishes a large part of our reflection in this difficult moment must necessarily be extended to the global scale, both for a better understanding of the effects of the global health and environmental shock in which we find ourselves operating, and for the study of possible solutions that as academics we will be able to offer to decision makers. At the moment the works continue in the form of Guest Lecture and Seminar Series, and further initiatives are planned, of which we will keep you constantly informed. The Network enjoys the support of the Department (DSE), Punto Europa and the Forlì Campus, and collaborates with a network of partners within the UNA EUROPA-Seed Funding Initiative.