Winter School - Design for Responsible Innovation

Gendered Innovation and Design

  • Date:

    28 JUNE
    02 JULY 2021
     from 9:00 to 19:00
  • Event location: online

  • Type: teaching

Workshop theme: Gendered innovation and design

Innovation is a collective activity that takes place in an environment rich in technology, information and interactions between people, companies and institutions. Gender innovation adds a new perspective by questioning the identity of actors and their socio-economic-cultural background, how they interact, communicate with each other, with the community, what kind of relationships they activate in public and private spaces, how they transform their relationship with products or services.

Aspects of gender innovation concern the design of services and products, the language and messages used in communication processes, the relationship with spaces and people, in order to reduce gender stereotypes at cultural, social, technological and political level.

Workshop goals

Investigate how design, in its various forms, can trigger changes through the recognition and introduction of gender variables in the production of products or services, in communication, in the exchange of knowledge, reducing social and economic inequalities and activating a process of innovation on several levels.


9 students from Alma Mater Studiorum, Università degli Studi di Bologna
5 students from Tecnológico de Monterrey
6 students from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Teaching staff

UniBo: Elena Formia, Valentina Gianfrate, Michele Zannoni
TEC: Ruth León, David Sánchez, Claudio Monterrubio
UC: Erik Ciravegna, Sylvia Dümmer

Tutoring staff

UniBo: Laura Succini, Martina Bambi, Virginia Vignali, Federica Marchi