Gendered Innovation and Design - Exhibit and Exchange

Una mostra dedicata al tema della comunicazione e una conferenza con talks di ospiti internazionali: partecipa all'evento sull'Innovazione di genere e il Design.

  • Date: 29 JUNE 2021  from 17:00 to 21:00

  • Event location: Online, Biblioteca italiana delle Donne e Palazzo d'Accursio

  • Type: workshop


(Exhibit and Exchange)

To participate live at the EXCHANGE event you have to reserve your seat at the following link:


(Exchange only)

To participate online at the EXCHANGE
Zoom Link:

Gendered Innovation and Design - Exhibit and Excange

Innovation is a collective activity that takes place within a system in which technology and information flow among people, enterprises and institutions. Gendered innovation adds a new perspective by questioning who these actors should be, how they interact, communicate, and take decisions, what kind of scientific advances are prioritised and how this information is exchanged in the process of idea generation, adaptation, translation and transformation into designed products or services. The event will focus on how gender fits into different forms of cultural and knowledge production, application and communication, creation of markets for new products/services. It will be composed of two different moments: an exhibition devoted to the topic of communication design at the Biblioteca italiana delle Donne with three Italian Publishing Companies and an exchange moment with the USA Toys Designer Cas Holman and the NEB EU Consultant Michela Magas at the Cortile Guido Fanti of Palazzo D’Accursio.

The event is organized by the Advanced Design Unit, Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, in the framework of the Project Excellent University Departments. The Exhibition is co-organized by the Biblioteca italiana delle Donne, while the Exchange is included within the Rassegna Culturale per la Cura del Presente - Cortile in Comune, organized by FIU. The event is also part of the international Winter School Design for Responsible Innovation by the Design Units of University of Bologna, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Tecnológico de Monterrey.