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Gatekeepers to International Refugee Law? – The Role of Courts in Shaping Access to Asylum (ACCESS)
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Read about the latest publications of the ACCESS research team members.
Jane McAdam, Chiara Scissa, How Domestic Courts Are Using International Refugee Law and Human Rights Law in the Context of Climate Change and Disasters, in EJIL:Talk!, November 2024.
Alice Lacchei, Chiara Scissa, The Italy-Albania Protocol: Curbing Migration At All Costs, in Refugee Law Initiative, November 2024
Chiara Scissa, Francesco Luigi Gatta, Access to asylum in times of crises, force majeure and instrumentalization in the EU: Restrictive trends in asylum law and in the case-law, in Freedom, Security and Justice: European Legal Studies, n. 3/2024.
Adel-Naim Reyani, Chiara Scissa, The Court of Justice’s Stance on Safe Countries of Origin: What Implications at the EU and National Levels?, in EU Law Live, 2024.
Review by Chiara Scissa of Il divieto di espulsione collettiva di stranieri nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea by Francesco Luigi Gatta (2023), in Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza, n. 3/2024.
Madalina Bianca Moraru, Carmen López Esquitino,
The Impact of the 2024 CEAS Reform on the EU’s Return System: Amending the Return Directive Through the Backdoor, in EU Migration Law Blog, September 2024.
Stefano Porfido, Chiara Scissa, Environmental migrants as victims of ‘ecological disorganization’? Reflections from the Omo-Turkana case-study, in African Journal on Climate Law and Justice, Vol. 1, 2024.
Alice Lacchei,
At the Proof of Time Pressure: Asylum Judges at the Frontline of Asylum Appeals in Italy and France" in Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche, August 2024.
Chiara Scissa, The role of Courts in the era of EU externalization policies: A focus on Libya, Tunisia, and Niger, in RLI Blog, July 2024.
Adel-Naim Reyhani, Externalization and the Rightlessness of Refugees: An Analytical Framework, Externalizing Asylum, July 2024.
Madalina Moraru, The interplay between the Schengen Borders Code and the Return Directive - another episode in the reintroduction of internal border controls saga - C-143/22, ADDE and others
Eulawlive Op-Ed,
18 October 2023
Adel-Naim Reyhani,
Das BBU-
, 13 February 2024
Cristina Dallara and Alice Lacchei, "Country you go, asylum adjudication you find". Asylum appeals implementation arrangements, actors' discretion, and organizational practices, Review of Policy Research, 23 March 2024.
Madalina Moraru and Adel-Naim Reyhani, “Interpreting the Dublin Regulation amid fundamental rights violations at the EU’s border – Reflections on the Judgment of the Court of Justice in X v Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid, C-392/22”, EU Law live, 15 April 2024.
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