Our team, our expertise
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor.
Daniela Pezzolla graduated in Animal Science in 2009 and obtained a PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in 2013 at the University of Perugia. She worked as an assistant researcher at Rothamsted Research, North Wyke, Devon (UK) and she spent a traineeship period at Francisco Josephinum Institute, Wieselburg (Austria). She is employed as an Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (University of Perugia). Her expertise is focused on soil chemistry, valorization of organic wastes through biological processes, and influences of nano- and microplastics on soil chemical parameters. She published 32 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Associate Professor
Paola Castaldi is an associate professor of Agricultural Chemistry at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari. Her scientific activity includes different topics related to soil and environmental chemistry. She is currently focusing on the recovery of contaminated and degraded soils through the addition of sorbent materials, organic or inorganic, that can improve soil functionality and restore ecosystem services. The effects of these sorbents on the chemical, biochemical, and microbiological properties of soil are in particular studied. The results of her researchers are reported in more than 70 publications in Peer Reviewed Journals.
Senior Lab technician
Maria Vittoria Pinna, PhD in Chemical Sciences, works as a laboratory technician and teacher of Agricultural chemistry and agricultural biochemistry and General inorganic chemistry at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari.
Her research activity mainly concerns:
• the processes that regulate the persistence of pollutants in the soil-water compartment;
• the impact of soil amendment with biomass of various origin, urban or agricultural, on its chemical, physical, agronomic properties, on its functionality and on the behaviour of the organic and inorganic pollutants present in it;
• eco-sustainable recovery techniques for polluted soils.
Associate Professor
Associate professor of the University of Bologna since 2017 in the sector of Agricultural chemistry. Her research interests are focused on ecofriendly techiques to depollute the soil-water-plant system. Recently, she is involved in protocol definition to enhance the production of crops with zero-pesticide residue, in the abatement of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistance in animal manure and in the removal of mineral oil hydrocarbons from cellulose-based food packaging. She is involved in several regional, national and international research projects (PON Taranto, PSR Regione Lombardia REFLUA, PSR Regione Emilia-Romagna Re-Phyt, Fit4Reuse, H2020 FoodE) thanks to collaborations with local and foreign Universities and Research Centres. Author of 50 publications on international journals and inventor of "Use of mesoporous silica" international patent extended to EU, USA and China, recently under Proof of Concept fundings.
Substitute Principal Investigator
Diana Luise graduated in Animal Production Safety and Quality in 2013 and obtained a PhD in 2018 at the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies; Animal Science Curriculum, of the University of Bologna. She is currently a fixed-term researcher (RTD-B) at the same Department of the University of Bologna. She mainly works in the field of zootechnics and her main research interests are in the study of feed and nutritional aspects (zootechnical additives and nutritional requirements) for improving the robustness and production performance of monogastrics as well as the environmental sustainability of production chains. Of particular interest is also the study of the interaction between the gut microbiota and the intestinal health of the host. He has published 73 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.