SHORT DESCRIPTION: Family Weber runs Oberschuirshof, which is located in a scenic attractive area, the South of Essen, Metropolis Ruhr, which represents a huge consumer market, The property is a long-established farm, which belonged in former times to nearby abbey Werden and then has been the family’s property since a few generations. The farm property and 50 ha of farmland are owned by family Weber, while an additional 25 ha are rented from neighbouring former farms, which gave up or reduced their size.

KEY ACTIVITIES: The farm cultivates a huge variety of crops in a conventional way. Different types of potatoes are of big relevance for direct marketing. Further crops include cereals, fruits, like apples and berries, vegetables including salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs and spices, pumpkins and flowers. Family Weber also keeps pigs and poultry and pays special attention to animal welfare (outlet, straw). Furthermore, the farm offers rental parcels for a growing season. This self-organised “rent-a-field”-concept, called “Feldfreunde”, includes a huge variety of vegetables and flowers. Additional key activities are education and leisure services. Guided farm tours, open/public days, education and information for adults as well as kids belong to these services.

RELEVANT DIMENSION: Professional farm, direct marketing, diverse products and services, “rent-a-field” concept, public relations, horticulture as secondary activity, peri-urban

BUSINESS MODELS: Enterprise diversification (multifunctional agriculture)

Schuirweg 61, 45133 Essen, DE