SHORT DESCRIPTION: Le Vivant et la Ville is a network dedicated to urban agriculture created by a group of 25 SMEs. In a second step, on the initiative of four members of the network, Le Vivant et la Ville created Les Fermes en Ville. Their goal is to develop the first demonstrator (physical site) of urban agriculture in a circular economy model. They wish to incorporate green sectors for green technologies for three issues: 1) Urban agriculture; 2) The fight against urban imperviousness; 3) Re-vegetate the buildings, bring more plants on buildings. They intent to promote new sustainable business models combining economic development and preservation of life.

KEY ACTIVITIES: The first French urban agricultural demonstrator has been inaugurated in October 2014, near Paris, on a fallow. It is developing three types of activities: aboveground vegetable production (strawberries, raspberries, cherry tomatoes, herbs) in containers; rental of gardens to the public educational and professional visits to learn about aboveground production of vegetables.

RELEVANT DIMENSION: Vegetable production, greening of buildings, water management

BUSINESS MODELS: Shared economy (social inclusion, participation); enterprise diversification (multifunctional agriculture)

6 Avenue de Paris, 78000 Versailles, FR