SHORT DESCRIPTION: The organic farm was founded in 1974 by G. Petiteau with the name “Jardin de l’avenir” and opened for pick-your-own activity. In 1990, a shop was created in the farm building and opened 3 times a week. In 2004, with the arrival of 2 new partners, 2 linked SMEs were created based on their main activity: 1) Le “Potager Bio” (the Organic Vegetable Garden), in charge of the production, sells to: 2) Le “Jardin de l’avenir” (Garden of the future), in charge of the commercialisation.

KEY ACTIVITIES: The size of the farm is 14 ha of which 9,5 ha of plastic tunnels, used to produce mainly common vegetables, some herbs and some cut flowers. All the production is certified organic. The main activity is agricultural production and product sale through a farm shop and pick-your-own. The farm welcomes about 25 visits per year from schools. The company does some technical innovation, especially self-construction of adapted equipment in cooperation with other organic growers. The other activities are composting and energy production through 150m² of solar cells on the farm shop roof. 80% of the production is sold on site.

RELEVANT DIMENSION: Open field, direct marketing

BUSINESS MODELS: Product differentiation (niche markets)

Route de la Roche, 49130, Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire, FR