SHORT DESCRIPTION: Eta Beta is a social cooperative that offers therapeutic and rehabilitative programs and work placement services for disadvantaged people and/or those in marginal situations, based on handicraft, artistic and agricultural activities. Eta Beta was founded in 1992 by an association of artists and artisans located in Bologna (IT). In 2013 Eta Beta started an innovative project in a former industrial area within the city of Bologna (Roveri), aimed at revitalizing the area, now almost totally abandoned, as well as at promoting social inclusion and realizing a sustainable food chain based on social and ethical values. Among the different activities Eta Beta performs, one of the most relevant is the cultivation and sale of organic vegetables targeted to the Bologna ethical purchasing group (Gruppo d’acquisto solidale Bologna – GASBO and more in general to families from the Bologna area (approximately 80/100 families) .

KEY ACTIVITIES: Handicraft and artistic activities such as woodworking, carpentry, jewellery, ceramic and glassware are essential elements of the rehabilitative programmes run by Eta Beta, as well as means for social inclusion and work –based training and job placement. At the headquarters in Via Battirame in Bologna, they produce and distribute organic food such as fruit and vegetables with an agricultural area of 2150 square meters. The garden of Via Battirame is located on the premises of the cooperative and was built as a circular garden following the principles of biodynamic/synergistic agriculture. Now the productive area has been expanded on an additional field located in the same area.

RELEVANT DIMENSION: Inner city, multiple products and services, community based, social inclusion; Place bound (placemaking)

BUSINESS MODELS: Differentiation; shared economy; experimental

Via del Battirame, 11