Cleantech Högdalen

SHORT DESCRIPTION: since 2015, Cleantech Högdalen is a new business development platform in Stockholm created to support the internationalization of Swedish innovative technologies in the fields of waste management, recycling and energy. The project  is supported by national public and cooperatives partners like:  Invest Stockholm, The Royal Academy of Technology (KTH), IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, Högdalen Association of Enterprises, Stockholm Cleantech Association, and 50 technology companies. The main aim of the project is to connect the center and industrial sites of the city for better environment and well-being. In the district zone of the project, the Stockholm energy company Fortum turns 700,000 tons of waste into clean energy every year.  


KEY ACTIVITIES: Cleantech Högdalen had started with the establishment of urban farming in order to supports green spaces, local gardens, recycling and to create a green path from the center of Stockholm to the industrial area. In addition, the establishment of the urban farming creates sustainable jobs for unemployed and helps the integration of the business area and the center. Later, the project evolved and shared its goals with other companies related to develop sustainable solutions like: energy solutions, waste solutions, water solutions and green building. Moreover, the project gives platform for educations, lectures and technical visits, which welcomes professional visitors that looking for cooperation with companies participating in the project as well as other cleantech companies in the Stockholm Region. 


RELEVANT DIMENSION:  sustainable agriculture, co-working, renewable energy solutions, regeneration. 


BUSINESS MODEL:  public national budget, hybrid model, differential.