The School

The Summer School on Mathematics in Imaging Science 2018 (School-IS18) will take place from 28th May to 1st June 2018 at the Department of Mathematics of Bologna University.

The Summer School is co-organized in the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between


School-IS18 is co-located with the Conference SIAM-IS18 (June 5-8, 2018), the biennial SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, one of the world’s largest, most influential biennial event in imaging science and mathematical aspects in imaging. Four days of research results, educational sessions, the community’s latest research achievements, and commercial exhibits displaying the industry's current software and services.

The Summer School, which will take one week ahead of the conference, aims to tackle cross-cutting mathematical approaches to the conference's specific themes, essential for the international audience of young people who are preparing to attend this event for the first time, as well as for young students/researchers interested in discovering the fascinating world of mathematics for imaging.

School-IS18 is dedicated to teaching the basics of mathematics for imaging science alongside an overview of applications which are vital to understand recent advances and current challenges in imaging science. A range of cutting-edge techniques and analysis tools are discussed.

MSc and PhD students as well as scientists having a background in mathematics, computer science, engineering or physics are invited to apply.

School-IS18 is organized in morning and afternoon sections. In addition to the morning lectures given by renowned lecturers on a wide range of topics from image processing, numerical optimization, and computer vision, in the afternoons students participate in mono-thematic mini-workshops on advanced research topics on imaging science.

Registration is free but required for all student participants.

We also offer a limited number of PhD student grants.

Participants can arrange their accommodationby themselves. However, we offer a limited number of accommodation places in the residence hall "Camplus College Bononia".

If you require any further information, feel free to contact the organizers.

Students will receive a certificate of attending the Summer School.

We hope to see you at School-IS18 in Bologna.