Course: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for Large-Scale Optimization
Wotao Yin is a professor in the Department of Mathematics of UCLA. He works on computational optimization and its applications in image processing, machine learning, and other data science problems. He received his B.S. in Mathematics from Nanjing University in 2001, and then M.S. and Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University in 2003 and 2006, respectively. During 2006 - 2013, he was with Rice University. He won NSF CAREER award in 2008, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2009, Morningside Gold Medal in 2016. He invented several well-known optimization algorithms, operator splitting methods, and parallel schemes. He has been leading the research of optimization algorithms for large-scale problems. His methods and algorithms have found very broad applications across different fields of science and engineering.