Round 10

Towards the Future: the University of Bologna share its experience

Pitch of Spin offs  & Startups of the University of Bologna  


Lorenzo Agostini, AdapTronics @Theatre n.4
Deep-tech startup that rethinks the taking of objects through a technology of interface between robot and environment.


Lombardo Francesco, Aquaponic Design @Theatre n.5
Design, construction and management of soilless cultivation systems, with focus on aquaponics systems.


Curcio Matteo, Bathbact @Theatre n.6
Startup that develops biotech products including a sustainable mobile bathroom that uses a cocktail of microbes instead of chemicals.


Eleonora Torricelli, B- Plas @Theatre n.7
Production of bioplastic using the residual carbon contained in the sludge.


Luca Formica, Develop - Players @Theatre n.8
Development of digital games for educational purposes, to help children with specific disorders of learning (DSA).


Dario Mengoli, Field Robotics @Theater n.9
Robotic platform that allows autonomous systems to assist and / or replace human beings.


Maila Becconi, Insimili @Theatre n.10
Improve the drug selection process by testing it in a closer environment to the reality of the human body.