
Institutional greetings

10:00 - 10:30

Institutional greetings and opening session


  • Simona Tondelli, Deputy Rector, Università di Bologna
  • Marina Silverii, Vicepresident of the Ecosister Foundation and Operations Director at ART-ER
  • Vincenzo Colla, Councillor for economic development and green economy, labor, training and international relations, Regione Emilia- Romagna
  • Daniele Ara, Councillor at Comune di Bologna
  • Alessandra Florio, Regional Director Emilia-Romagna and Marche, Intesa Sanpaolo
  • Francesco Malaguti, Vicepresident Legacoop Bologna


Moderated by Enrico Pagliarini, Radio24 journalist

18:00 - 19:00

Greetings from the Rector Giovanni Molari of Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna



10:30 - 11:15

From research to business: the prospects of the regional ecosystem


  • Gianluca Marchi, Chair of the Ecosister TTIP board and Third Mission Delegate, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  • Marina Silverii, Vice president of the Ecosister Foundation and Director of Operations of ART-ER
  • Claudio Melchiorri, Ecosister TTIP board member and Rector's Delegate for Business Relations and Industrial Research UNIBO
  • Enrico Bracci, member of the TTIP board of Ecosister, Pro-Rector for Terza Missione University of Ferrara
  • Marco Bianconi, Ecosister TTIP board member, CNR senior researcher and CTO Mister Smart Innovation
  • Daniel Milanese, Rector's Delegate for Technology Transfer Università di Parma
  • Luigi Lucini (TBC), Ecosister TTIP board member for PoliMI and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Moderator: Enrico Pagliarini, Journalist, Radio24

11:15 - 12:15

Innovation and sustainability: the challenge on which the future is played out


  • Elena Ferrero - co-founder and administrator of Atelier Riforma
  • Stefano Mancuso - Plant neurobiologist. Director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology

Moderator: Enrico Pagliarini, Journalist, Radio24

12:15 – 13:00

Green manufacturing for a sustainable economy


  • Dario Croccolo - Full Professor of Mechanical Design and Machine Construction. Director of the CIRI-MAM Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research in Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Materials - Università di Bologna
  • Francesco Lombardo - Designer of vertical cultivation systems at Aquaponic Design
  • Valentina Marchesini - Director of Human Resources and Communications, Member of the Board of Marchesini Group S.p.A
  • Claudia Pingue - Head of Technology Transfer Fund CDP at Venture Capital


Moderated by Enrico Pagliarini, Radio24 Journalist

14:00 - 14:45

Clean energy on the move: startups for sustainable mobility


  • Allegra Marini, Venture and Innovation Advisor at Motor Valley Accelerator
  • Enrico Dente, Director Motor Valley Accelerator and Plug and Play Tech Center
  • Luigi Rovati, Full Professor of Electronic Measurements at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Marcello Romagnoli, Director of H2MO.RE Research Center, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  • Marco Mostarda, Founder and CTO of Galvani Power SRL
  • Matteo Bertocchi, CEO Novac
  • Andrea Zanotti,CEO & FOUDER Ecoders


Moderator: Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore journalist

14:45 - 15:30

Mobility, energy, construction: smart&green solutions


  • Felice Giuliani, Ordinario di Ingegneria delle Infrastrutture Viarie e dei Trasporti e Delegato del Rettore per la Mobilità Sostenibile dell’Ateneo,Università di Parma.
  • Fabio Addona, Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato Università di Parma. Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Vento – LIVe
  • Luca Chiapponi, Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato Università di Parma. Laboratorio di idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – LieCI
  • Andrea Carri, Direttore Tecnico ASE - Advanced Slope Engineering
  • Nicola Delmonte, Cofondatore ZOTech
  • Riccardo De Sutti, Ecosystem Manager, Le Village by CA


Moderator: Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore journalist

15:30 – 16:15

Marine resources and biotransformation


  • Leonardo Aguiari, Naturedulis Srl technical and scientific manager,
  • Arianna Silvestri, Fisheries and aquaculture sector manager, Lega Coop Estense
  • Vadis Paesanti, Regional vice president, Fedagripesca Confcooperative Emilia-Romagna
  • Luisa Pasti, Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Università di Ferrara
  • Mattia Lanzoni, Researcher in Ethology, Department of Environmental Science and Prevention, Università di Ferrara
  • Monia Castellini, Researcher, Università di Ferrara


Moderator: Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore journalist

16:15 - 17:00

What the future is made of: materials for sustainability and the ecological transition


  • Michele Muccini - CNR Research Executive, President at Mister Smart Innovation
  • Irene Tognazzi - Project Manager at Mister Smart Innovation
  • Giovanna Sotgiu - CNR researcher and head of production and new product development at Kerline
  • Giannamaria Annunziato - researcher at the Department of Food and Drug Sciences Università di Parma and founding partner of B.Ethical
  • Laura Esposito - CEO Zenit Smart Polycrystals and Researcher at CNR ISSMC


Moderated by: Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore Journalist

17:00 -17.45

The importance of communication in raising awareness of the ecological transition 


  • Francesco Oggiano - Digital journalist
  • Alice Pomiato (@aliceful) - Green Content Creator

Moderated by Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore journalist.


@Spazio Bianco

11:00 - 12:31

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti (CTE) - Moderator: Nicolas Sassoli

  • 11:00 - AI-Enhanced Structural Engineering
    AI is becoming a mainstay in civil engineering globally, with forward-thinking professionals ready to harness it for innovative solutions. My AI solution optimises planning, executes accurate projects and ensures efficiency and sustainability. It revolutionises civil engineering with advanced algorithms, offering efficiency, cost savings and sustainable practices, with no direct competitors.
  • 11:07 - AIP (Artificial Intelligence Processor)
    The solution aims to improve the efficiency of AI chips, catering to leading companies, such as AMD, as well as emerging start-ups. Its innovative architecture combines hardware power with software flexibility, promoting energy savings and computational optimisation. It revolutionises the market by adapting to different algorithms and improving execution efficiency.
  • 11:14 - Autoboost
    Autoboost offers a plug-and-play solution for public transport, collecting critical data such as crowding and vehicle location through sensors and cameras. This data can then be visualised on dashboards for companies and apps for passengers, improving reliability and security. Autoboost stands out for its hybrid approach, involving both businesses and end-users and integrating hardware and software in a complete, cutting-edge solution.
  • 11:21 - BinIt
    Our solution aims to improve municipal waste management for public authorities and multi-utility companies such as Hera. Using backward compatible IoT devices, we monitor the filling level of bins and optimise collection routes through artificial intelligence. Our devices are powered by solar panels and communicate with each other in peer-to-peer mode. Compared to competitors like a2a, we offer a complete package of sensors and photovoltaic panels to make existing bins smarter, providing an integrated and simple solution for a cleaner city and more efficient waste collection.
  • 11:28 - Flates
    Flates is a social app designed to simplify the search for houses and rooms for students, workers and tenants. It consolidates information from various platforms, offering a single user-friendly access point. Through strategic partnerships and AI-based technology, it optimises the user experience and also offers customised services. Unlike its competitors, Flates aims to create a true community and to partner with third parties, thus improving the overall user experience.
  • 11:35 - HI!Future
    HI!Future is aimed at men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 who are undecided about their professional future, offering a comparison of the best online and offline study paths. It addresses common problems such as an excess of options, difficulty in making a choice, and frustration during comparison. Using an artificial intelligence algorithm, Hi!Future recommends personalized paths based on the user's preferences, without forcing them to accept the suggestions. This unique solution stands out from the competition by using profiling data to find the ideal study path for each user.
  • 11:42 - ARTwin: Dive into nature
    ARTwin aims to meet the needs of tourism organisations by providing an innovative service for tourists. This free app offers an immersive and informative experience, guiding visitors through the attractions and activities of lagoons, nature parks and cities. The use of augmented reality, IoT sensors and AI recognition models makes ARTwin unique, providing interactive guidance and real-time data. There are no current competitors offering a similar service, and the potential of AR and IoT opens the door to new applications in tourism.
  • 11:49 - Learnify - Piattaforma per lo studio con DSA
    Learnify is an innovative application designed to support individuals with a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) as well as students and researchers seeking a more personalised approach to studying. The platform offers text-to-speech with adjustable speed, allowing users to optimise their study time and increase independence. Unlike its competitors, Learnify integrates a virtual library for taking notes, making diagrams and summaries, offering a complete environment for personalised study. It is a unique solution in the landscape of study apps, especially for European and Italian users, as no similar application offers such a comprehensive combination of functionality and accessibility.
  • 11:56 - MyRestaurant
    MyRestaurant is an innovative app aimed at restaurant, café and fast food operators seeking to optimise management and improve the dining experience they offer. It solves challenges such as staff turnover and inventory management, providing detailed sales analysis and customised suggestions for effective menu changes. Unlike its competitors, MyRestaurant offers a comprehensive and highly customised solution based on AI and data analysis. It is the perfect ally for a restaurant that wishes to stay competitive and be at the forefront of innovation.
  • 12:03 - Ovidio
    O-vidio aims at customers looking for personalised film recommendations while avoiding the influence of advertising and an overabundance of choices. Through AI-powered personalised recommendations, it helps overcome indecision when choosing from a wide variety of options. No current app offers a similar approach in the film industry. O-vidio also promotes local art, stimulating the economy and creating a conscious community. A social network that integrates film selection with art, encouraging personal growth and culture sharing.
  • 12:10 - ReLeaf
    ReLeaf digitises receipts to offer savings for businesses and convenience for customers. It integrates directly with cash registers, allowing customers to receive their receipt on their smartphone. Unlike its competitors, it does not require an app to be opened at the time of purchase and automatically keeps track of paper receipts.
  • 12:17 - Reviù
    Reviù is aimed at the average supermarket consumer, aged between 35 and 55, looking for fixed-weight packaged products. It addresses the lack of detailed information on food products, reducing impulse buying and financial waste. It provides a platform to compare the quality/price of products, with features such as photo reviews, barcode scanner and shared shopping list. Setting itself apart from competitors such as Yuka and TripAdvisor, Reviù focuses on food products, adopting a user-oriented approach and using AI to personalise the user experience.
  • 12:24 - Virgil: virtual tour companion
    Virgil is an AI chatbot for independent travellers, offering a personalised and interactive experience when visiting a city. It caters to an audience with a limited budget and an interest in history and art. Compared to paper guides and organised tours, Virgil allows users to manage their own time and explore places of interest at their own pace. Unlike its current competitors, Virgil’s conversational approach favours a more immersive and in-depth experience.

12:40 - 13:00

StudENT for Africa - Moderator: Fabio Santoni

  • 12:40 - 1-EcoEssentia
    The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in Italy and the Gulf countries aims to satisfy consumers in both regions. However, concerns about transparency in sourcing, quality assurance and sustainability are evident. To address these challenges, we are committed to a search process guided by independent rural communities, ensuring quality and adopting sustainable and ethical practices. We offer a dual impact: the empowerment of rural women and the supply of high quality, ethically sourced essential oils. Our transparency, community-centred approach and commitment to sustainability set us apart in the market as we aim to expand into the self-care sector, allowing customers to select their favourite essential oils.
  • 12:47 - EthioPedal
    Our startup, EthioPedal, aims to cultivate a cycling culture among high school students in Addis Ababa. By promoting fitness and sustainable transportation, we align with the city's expanding cycling infrastructure, fostering eco-friendly transport from an early age. Offering courses for all skill levels, with a particular focus on supporting girls, we strive to bridge the gender gap in cycling. Through partnerships with local schools and awareness campaigns, we seek to create an inclusive and sustainable cycling culture. Additionally, our rental and sharing bicycle services provide a cost-effective transportation option, enhancing personal health and affordability for our valued customers.
  • 13:54 - M.A.C. (Muhineza Animal Change)
    M.A.C. aims to provide seeds and support to Rwandan farmers, initially focussing on small and medium-sized farms and later targeting large farms. It introduces pig breeds from Europe to improve the quality and quantity of meat at affordable prices. The seed import process allows low initial costs, making services accessible to both the public and private sectors. M.A.C. is committed to monitoring animal development, ensuring a constant supply of high quality meat at competitive prices.

14:00 - 16:00


  • 14:00 - AWGreen
    AWGREEN offers an innovative water-energy system for public and private customers, mainly targeting medium-sized or large companies. The problem being addressed is inefficiency in the use of energy and water resources, resulting in waste and high costs. The solution integrates photovoltaic technology with an AWG device, coordinated by AI-based software to maximise efficiency and reduce costs. AWGREEN stands out for the integration of AWG and advanced software, offering environmental and economic benefits to its customers.
  • 14:07 - eTorre - Storage Solutions Elevated
    eTorre aims to support the balance and stability of the electricity grid during the transition to renewable energy. By exploiting the gravitational storage built into lifts, it optimises the use of existing infrastructure, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional batteries. The system is suitable for both residential and industrial sectors, ensuring effective management of energy fluctuations.
  • 14:14 - KER-ECO - (Keratin Extraction for Ecological Crop Optimization)
    The project focusses on creating an organic fertiliser from human hair waste, rich in useful substances such as proteins, amino acids and minerals, to improve soil fertility. Aimed at environmentally conscious farmers and gardeners, it offers a natural alternative to chemical products, reducing environmental impact. The increasing production of organic waste damages the environment and encourages unsustainable agricultural practices. The use of human hair waste as fertiliser is a unique innovation that promotes sustainability and efficiency.
  • 14:21 - SizePal
    SizePal offers an innovative solution to the problem of inconsistencies in clothing sizes. The app and in-store totems allow users to easily find their size through customised measurements, reducing environmental waste and increasing customer satisfaction. Compared to alternatives, SizePal is more than a simple measuring tool, directly providing a size guide for selected shops. With an intuitive interface and a friendly mascot, SizePal makes the shopping experience easier for buyers who want to save time and frustration.
  • 14:28 - unDress
    unDress aims to meet the needs of conscious consumers by providing an intuitive app that directs purchases towards eco-friendly options. Tackling the lack of transparency in the fashion industry, unDress offers a detailed assessment of the environmental impact of products, setting itself apart by being independent from brands and promoting ethical fashion.
  • 14:35 - ConnectECO
    The ConnectECO project aims to connect owners of domestic charging stations, particularly those connected to a photovoltaic system, with electric car owners who need to charge their vehicles. This will be achieved through the development of a digital application that allows users with electric vehicles to log into the app and search for a nearby domestic charging station where they need to park. This way, they can find a parking spot to leave their vehicle charging at a more favourable price compared to public charging stations.
  • 14:42 - D.A.I.
    DisciplanAI is an Artificial Intelligence to be installed on all of a user’s digital devices, with a single set of settings. It aims to increase productivity by reducing distractions and limiting the use of certain functions that are not suitable for carrying out a predetermined task in the agenda. In this way, users can use their time profitably, better organise their routines and increase the environmental sustainability of their actions. The application further allows users to keep track of their activities by creating statistics. The concept for this AI falls somewhere between a digital ‘governess’ and a personal agenda.
  • 14:49 - ICOOK
    ICOOK is a 3D printer that layers and cooks food. It seeks to reduce food waste through cartridges produced by regenerating food that is considered waste. Foodstuffs such as stale bread or peelings are sanitised and then processed into dehydrated cartridges. The aim is to reuse some of the 85 million tonnes of food that are thrown away from Italian tables every year, wasting natural resources and water during production and generating greenhouse gases as the food decomposes in disposal centres.
  • 14:56 - VOLUNTEER
    The project aims to connect volunteering/charity organisations with current or potential volunteers/donors in a direct, safe and transparent manner, through a single app offering: digital in-app and e-commerce services, allowing organisations to save time and money in managing their activities by improving communication, promotion, volunteer coordination and optimising sales of charity products; features to coordinate and track volunteers in a safe and effective way especially during EMERGENCIES; access to a search engine to find volunteering/charity initiatives in line with one’s interest and availability.
  • 15:03 - HORIZON LABS
    Horizon Labs builds motorized soles as a last-mile mobility solution for a more integrated, agile and environmentally and socially sustainable urban mobility. A brushless motor drive system optimises the control of micromobility vehicles. The system will be first implemented on motorized soles that can be attached to shoes and are controlled via a dedicated app. This solution allows users to move more freely within the urban environment, in a safe and carefree manner. After use, the vehicle can be stored directly in the backpack or bag provided.
  • 15:10 - HYBRIDGE
    Hybridge is a system for improving combustion efficiency in ship engines through the use of hydrogen and on-board solar panels. This improvement allows to drastically reduce pollution emissions. The idea is to improve both existing commercial vessels, such as ferries and tugboats, and tourist/private vessels. The system will cut fuel costs and improve environmental efficiency, allowing a drastic reduction in emitted pollutants.
  • 15:17 - WAVECELL
    WaveCELL presents an innovative and cost-effective solution for both battery assemblers and manufacturers. The system offers the possibility to monitor the state of charge and health of the batteries in real time through ultrasonic technology, significantly improving battery safety. In the event of a failure or malfunction, the system allows the damaged cell to be quickly identified, thus preventing emergency situations. Not only does this approach optimise battery use and reduce waste, it also makes it possible to extend their service life, helping to reduce their environmental impact.
    WeCare Solutions is an automated system that starts disinfection immediately after the driver leaves the car. The system can guarantee a sanitised cabin, ready for use within minutes after each hire, by spraying a certified chemical compound specifically selected to sanitise air, rooms and surfaces with a short contact time. The product is primarily designed for companies with a high turnover of drivers or passengers, in particular car-sharing companies, driving schools, taxi and cooperative owners, and ride-hailing companies.
    WheelHub Connect is an innovative platform for matchmaking in the automotive industry, bringing talent and companies together thanks to advanced algorithms. It promotes diversity and inclusion by simplifying the recruitment and selection process for a dynamic and growing automotive industry, bringing in new, young resources that are sensitive to renewal in the industry and environmental sustainability.
  • 15:38 - EAT OR NOT
    Eat or Not is an application that provides the tools necessary to make an informed choice in real time about whether or not to consume a food, based on a photo and a few questions, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence. The main issue being tackled is the disproportionate waste of food due to the consumer’s limited ability to assess the state of preservation of foodstuffs; more often than not, errors in assessment are made. Our aim is to help consumers by providing an interactive tool, enabling them to make an informed choice about whether or not to consume a food, if they are unsure of its state of preservation.
  • 15:45 - Travelling in AAC
    Mo.So.CAA is an app that opens the door to autonomy and sustainable mobility for people with disabilities. People with disabilities often face difficulties in their daily travel due to architectural barriers, lack of accessible information and inadequate means of transport. This can limit their autonomy, participation in social and working life, and quality of life in general. Naviga Facile offers a number of innovative features to facilitate mobility for people with disabilities: • Simple and clear directions. • Accessible routes that consider obstacles, suitable means of transport and user preferences. • Integration with real-time mobility data.
  • 15:52 - Acquaria
    Acquaria is a portable atmospheric water generator that addresses the problem of communities with limited access to clean water. Using air humidity as a resource, we offer a sustainable and economically feasible solution to meet basic water needs. By solving the problem of clean water scarcity, not only does our system provide a reliable source of drinking water, it also reduces dependence on conventional sources that may be contaminated or inaccessible. This translates into tangible benefits, including a significant improvement in the quality of life and public health of assisted communities.

16:10 - 17:15

Grow Your Business - Moderator: Valentina Iadarola

  • 16:10 - Delivery Facility
    My project aims to optimise home deliveries for restaurants and pizzerias, using software with an integrated algorithm. It solves the current lack of automation by generating delivery priorities based on distance, distributing tasks equally to riders and tracking their routes via GPS. Unlike other software, the focus is on integrating order and delivery management, improving overall efficiency.
  • 16:17 - LYBRA
    The project aims to provide relief to people with panic attacks by offering a pocket-sized device called LYBRA that helps distract them during an attack. Using vibrations that must be synchronised, LYBRA provides an interactive challenge to stop the attack. Compared to other solutions, LYBRA offers direct and playful interaction to deal with panic attacks in an effective and portable way.
  • 16:24 - Magicfood
    MagicFood is a device designed for children from 4 to 9 years old that aims to encourage healthy eating habits, based on some basic principles of psychology and scientific evidence in this area. It addresses the widespread problem of a diet deficient in fruit and vegetables by offering an interactive and engaging interface. MagicFood allows the consumption of such foods to be monitored and provides positive feedback and rewards, encouraging lasting changes in children’s eating habits also through play and competition.
  • 16:31 - ØWater
    ØWater offers businesses an innovative and sustainable way to promote their brand at events by distributing customised water bottles free of charge. This unique approach maximises the effectiveness of the advertising investment, setting apart from the competition and achieving visibility at a lower cost than traditional methods.
  • 16:38 - PhysioPulse
    The idea behind PhysioPulse is to create an intelligent assistant to support physiotherapists in all phases of patient management. The aim is to improve and optimise the clinical service offering by providing situation-specific suggestions. In this way, PhysioPulse will systematically expand clinical reasoning, optimise testing time and make therapy design a fast and reliable process.
  • 16:45 - PTpass
    PTpass aims to operate initially in the UK market. It allows customers to train in the nearest gym with the personal trainer best suited to their needs. For the average price of a training session with a professional trainer, users will be able to use a fully equipped facility with no subscription obligations.
  • 16:52 - ScribeBo - Online Transcriptions
    ScribeBo offers a reliable and fast audio transcription solution for a wide range of users, from researchers to podcasters. Using advanced AI models, it drastically reduces transcription time, providing accurate results at a competitive price. Unlike its competitors, it does not require subscriptions and offers a ready-to-use service with no need for technical expertise.
  • 16:59 - SenzaTracce
    SenzaTracce is an app that simplifies the search for safe restaurants for people with food allergies, covering the 14 major allergens. By collecting user reviews, it avoids a time-consuming and demoralising search process. Compared to TripAdvisor, SenzaTracce focusses specifically on food allergies.
  • 17:06 - Yeschool
    The platform offers online tutoring exclusively with selected university students as tutors, guaranteeing reliability. It cuts waiting times and offers lessons using a digital whiteboard on Meet, thus reducing travel. Promo packages, discounts and group lessons are available, without relying on reviews or hourly rates. The rate is the same for all, and discount codes and gamification features are available. It ensures a high quality service at an affordable price.



Awarding innovative entrepreneurial projects

18.00 -19.00
Greetings by Rector Giovanni Molari, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna


To follow

Award ceremony for innovative entrepreneurial projects of the EcosistER network

Introducer: Claudio Melchiorri, Rector's Delegate for Relations with Business and Industrial Research, Università di Bologna

  • International Mindset Prize - Awarded by Maurizio Sobrero, President of Ecosister Foundation


Award ceremony for innovative entrepreneurial projects and startups from Call4 Startup Unibo

Introducer: Alice Corradi, Innovation Area Manager, Università di Bologna

  • StudENT for Africa Award - Awards Greta Campolucci, University and School Ecosystem Intesa Sanpaolo - Awarded:  1-EcoEssentia
  • Food Prize - Awards Piero Ingrosso, vice president, Alma Vicoo - University Center for Cooperation - Awarded: Magicfood
  • Biomedical prize - Awards Francesca Veronesi, president of Maverx Biomedical Futures Foundation - Awarded: Lybra
  • Sustainability Award - Awards Myriam Finocchiaro, Head of Communication, External Relations and Sustainability Granarolo - Awarded: Reviù
  • Energy Innovation Award - Awards Elisabetta Cavalazzi, Innovation and Cooperative Promotion Office Legacoop Romagna - Awarded:  eTorre - Storage Solutions Elevated
  • Best Entrepreneurial Project Award - Awards Nicole Monti, Head of Startup & Spin-Off Unit Almacube - Awarded: AIP (Artificial Intelligence Processor)
  • Best Startup Award - Awards Luca Scipioni, Italian and European Patent Attorney, Bugnion - Awarded: KER-ECO - (Keratin Extraction for Ecological Crop Optimization)


Moderated by Ilaria Vesentini, Sole24ore journalist

Off Events


14:00 - 15:00

Doing business, doing innovation: opportunities and experiences in comparison

Event organized by Città Metropolitana and Comune di Bologna


The strategic lines for new entrepreneurship of the Metropolitan City and Municipality of Bologna

  • Rosa Grimaldi, Bologna Mayor's Delegate for Economic Promotion and Attractiveness, Enterprise, Innovation and Start-up, Creative and Cultural Industries, and Technopole Impact


Projects for those who want to do business: Barresi Prize, CTE-COBO, Incredibol! and Bologna Game Farm

  • Sara Maldina, Barresi Prize manager
  • Nicolas Sassoli, CTE-COBO project manager
  • Giorgia Boldrini, Director of Culture and Creativity Sector, Comune di Bologna


Opportunità ed esperienze: un confronto a più voci per chi vuole fare impresa nel territorio metropolitano

  • Giorgia Boldrini, Direttrice Settore Cultura e Creatività Comune di Bologna
  • Giovanna Trombetti, Dirigente Area Sviluppo Economico e Sociale Città metropolitana di Bologna
  • Startup che hanno beneficiato del supporto di Premio Barresi, CTE-COBO, Incredibol!, Bologna Game Farm 


Moderator: Giacomo Venezia, Bologna Innovation Square (BIS) 

15:00 - 16:00

Sustainable companies: new professions in an increasingly green future

Event organised by JEBO

16:00 - 16:30

Coopstartup Change Makers

Event organised by Legacoop Bologna

16:30 - 18:30

From research to green enterprise: Venture capital and corporate partners for technology transfer

Event organized by ART-ER in collaboration with Ecosister Foundation


  • 16.30 - 16.40 | Event opening and welcome - Marco Degani, Programme Research Manager and General Manager ECOSISTER Foundation
  • 16.40 - 17.00 | The valorization of Research outputs for sustainable development - Sanda Aulic, Associate at Obloo Ventures
  • 17.00 - 17.20 | University spin offs and Venture Capital funds: a path to investment - Camilla Cecilia Conti, Co-founder and COO of Adaptronics and Sanda Aulic, Associate at Obloo Ventures
  • 17.20 - 17.40 | When startups meet corporate venture capital - Alessandro Nanni, Co-founder and R&D manager at AgroMateriae and Carlo Tampieri, CEO Tampieri Spa
  • 17.40 - 18.00 | The activity of research: a tale in two voices - Federico Zappaterra, Researcher on Fixed-term Contract (RTD-a) at the Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences, Università di Ferrara and Luca Raimondi, Researcher on Fixed-term Contract at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Processing Technologies and Systems Sector, University of Bologna.
  • 18.00 - 18.15 | The TTIP platform - Technology Transfer Innovation Program - Sara Monesi, ART-ER Startup Unit Manager, ECOSISTER Technology Transfer and Innovation Program Coordinator
  • 18.15 - 18.30 | ECOSISTER & Start Cup Emilia-Romagna integrated support pathway: save the date and previews - Silvia Falciasecca, Startup Unit Project Manager and Start Cup Emilia Romagna Coordinator

Workshops and Activities


11:00 - 17:45

3D printing and LEGO workshop

Organised by ALMALABOR Makerspace, University of Bologna


A creative design and rapid prototyping workshop performed through Lego bricks and 3D Printing!


Sign up!

09:00 - 19:00

Easy Network

Organised by JEBO


Want to expand your network but don't know how to break the ice? Participate in JEBO's matching game!

09:00 - 19:00

Visors & Visions: virtual and augmented reality

by VARLab (Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory)


The Virtual and Augmented Reality Workshop at Università di Bologna is actively working on the transition to 3D of data creation, manipulation and fruition processes where this can represent added value for businesses and consumers.

09:00 - 19:00

Designing sustainability: the first step is measurement. The example of Start-Up Day

Organised by Turtles, a spin-off of the Università di Bologna


Turtle designs the environmental and social transition of companies. Using the ViVACE® model, developed by the University of Bologna, it quantifies and monitors companies' environmental and social impacts.



19:00 - 20:30

Fabio Cardini Dj set

Organised by JEBO

20:30 - 21:30

Stand-up comedy show with Andrea Zimotti

Organised by JEBO

Meet the players

StartUp Agenda

The Exhibit Area will allow participants to get up close and personal with startups and spin-offs selected by the region's universities, incubators, accelerators and innovation intermediaries, and event partners.


It is possible to schedule 30-minute meetings with Startups/Spin-offs and Partners of the event: book their agenda.



  • Almacube
  • ART-ER
  • BBS
  • Bi – Rex: Big Data Innovation & Research Excellence
  • CesenaLab
  • Cineca
  • CTE
  • G-Factor srl
  • MUG
  • Romagna Tech