G-Factor srl
Pietro is a visionary, passionate and serial entrepreneur. As electronics engineer, in 2006 he founded is first company, Econoetica Srl, operating in wireless technology sector. In 2001 he moved in San Francisco, where he founded, becoming its CEO, map2app, Inc. a startup which developed a web platform to create mobile apps for local promotion. The startup is acquired in 2015 by Lastminute.com Group. After the acquisition Pietro enter in Lastminute.com Group as Chief Strategy Officer. Pietro is also one of the founder and ex-President of Travel Startup Association, which comprises more than 110 start-up of travel sector. Pietro is currently Responsible of Accelerator Program of G-Factor, the incubator-accelerator of Fondazione Golinelli, and he also works as strategic consultant for B Heroes, the accelerator program for digital startups.
His speach will be held Saturday 18 at Sala Quadrante.