Alejandro Jose Vargas De Leon (Università di Bologna)

Valuated matroids, affine buildings, and Berkovich geometry

  • Data: 26 MARZO 2024  dalle 11:15 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: aula Vitali, ore 11:15

We start by introducing tropical geometry and its "ragion d'essere": a bridge from algebraic varieties to polyhedral complexes. We focus on r-dimensional linear spaces over K, quite humble on the classical setting, they reveal different guises and shapes tropically, encoded by the combinatorics of valuated matroids. This is because tropicalization of a variety depends highly on the choice of embedding. Wherever choice is involved, so the question arises: is there an object Br(K) that encodes all possibilities (possibly initially obtained by gluing)? The answer is yes, by joint work with Battistella, Kuehn, Kuhrs, and Ulirsch. After the break we switch to a more technical perspective, that of Berkovich geometry: every algebraic variety X over a non-archimedean field K has an associated analytification Xan that allows analytical techniques in this setting where the topology of K is totally disconnected. We argue there is a sublocus in the huge space Pan that again recovers the affine building Br(K). From bottom to top, from top to bottom, we arrive at the same answer. How do these stories relate?