
ReLaTe - Law and business in China in the framework of the EU and China investment and trade relations: the challenges of digital-tech age

ReLaTe is a project that aims to explore how to build a new model of EU-China relations paying particular attention to the emerging regulatory framework of the digital-tech transition. This transition has given rise to new regulatory challenges, also in the field of international economic relations. This is due to the absence of clearly defined global rules, which must be established while balancing social and economic development and protecting fundamental rights. Both the EU and China are pursuing digital sovereignty strategies, with the EU seeking to strengthen its digital sovereignty through digital regulation while China is engaged in a massive regulatory process to develop its own strategy, particularly from an international trade perspective. Against this background, ReLaTe aims to provide students with an understanding of the key factors underpinning the history of EU-China investment and trade relations in the changing global context driven by the digital transition. The ultimate objective is to train the new generation of leaders, jurists and legal practitioners, providing them the analytical and critical skills to become conscious and active participants in the construction of a new model of relations in one of the most crucial areas of the global economic and legal framework. This will strengthen the role of the EU and promote its values in the current globalized and digitalized world. The Module, taught entirely in English, will provide 48 hours of teaching and 14 hours of seminars per year as well as a workshop for high school students and a conference. The wider society will also be involved in the Module through the seminars and the conference.

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