
Research Report on the Incubation Services for Migrant Entrepreneurship

This research report aims at providing a summary of the differences and similarities found in incubation models, characteristics, and practices across France, Italy, and the Netherlands, which are the three countries featured in the project MIG.EN.CUBE.
The reports summarizes in-depth information from research in the three countries and provides a discussion of the main strengths and weaknesses of incubators’ approaches, suggesting recommendations for policymakers, incubation managers and professionals to improve the European entrepreneurial ecosystem to support migrant entrepreneurship.

Library of current practices

In this Library of current practices of incubation services, you will find several good examples about inclusive methodologies and processes adopted by entrepreneurial support organizations in France, Italy, and The Netherlands.
The Guidebook has been launched in September 2021 and is available in English.

Research Report on Incubators' Training Needs to serve Migrant Entrepreneurs

The goal of this report is then to present evidence about the training needs of incubation professionals (potentially) dealing with (aspiring) migrant entrepreneurs.
The report provides empirical evidence about what incubators do (i.e., their role, services and activities), how incubators approach entrepreneurs (i.e., their competences and their relational approach), and how do incubators source their knowledge and competences. It presents any perceived difference between migrant and native entrepreneurs, and draws a comparison between generalist incubators and migrant-specific incubators across France, Italy, and the Netherlands.

"Incubating Migrant Entrepreneurs" online course (MOOC)

The free online course (MOOC) "Incubating Migrant Entrepreneurs" is targeted to incubation professionals who work or aim to working with aspiring and current migrant entrepreneurs, and want to improve their skills and competences to better serve the needs of this group of entrepreneurs. In particular, the MOOC delivers contents about three main topics, across three modules: social competences, intercultural competences, and technical-business competenecs related to migrant entrepreneurship.
It has been designed and produced by ISG International Business School with the participation of the project partners, and the involvement of 13 academic professors, 12 incubation professionals and 10 entrepreneurs in the production of contents.
The MOOC has been launched in April 2023 and is available in English, Dutch, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

"The Inclusive Incubator" Guidebook

The "Inclusive Incubator" Guidebook is targeted to policy-makers and incubation professionals who want to improve their understanding and competences about how to better serve the needs of current or aspiring migrant entrepreneurs. The Guidebook is thought as a set of motivational incentives to work with migrant entrepreneurs, methodological principles and tools to guide the development of programs, and inspirational good practices.
This guidebook was developed by Impact Hub Amsterdam with the contribution of all project partners.
The Guidebook is a free online resource, launched in April 2023, and available in English, French, and Italian.

The European Commission's support for the production of these results does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.