Blended training and one-to-one services in Italy

  • What it is

    SocialFare - private, not-for-profit (B corp) incubator

  • Who it’s for

    Start-ups with an intentional, additional, measurable social impact

  • What it’s for

    Support to best businesses with future capacity to generate an impact

  • SocialFare is a private, not-for-profit (B corp) company that supports the best businesses with ‘future capacity’ helping them developing cutting edge products, services and models by offering a unique blend of expert consultancy and equity investment to generate impact entrepreneurship.
  • It applies systemic design and design thinking as core methodologies to develop impact projects; it works with communities and accelerate hands-on engagement, capacity-building and impactful enterprises.
  • It selects start-ups with an intentional, additional, measurable social impact offering innovative solutions to contemporary and societal challenges.
  • The acceleration program lasts between four-five months and it includes theory and practice, covering business development and planning, product validation, etc. to make the start-up investment ready. In fact, the acceleration program is also connected to an internal seed investment fund vehicle (SocialFare Seed).
  • The acceleration program consists of training modules and one-to-one consultancies. Training modules are provided by internal and external tutors and experts. One-to-one consultancy is provided by internal staff and business mentors who are part of the network of the incubator.
  • The program is in Italian and targets mainly Italian start-ups that want to have an impact on the local territory, but can potentially be replicated internationally.


Further information available at the website: