Online training and one-to-one services in France

  • What it is

    Private, not-for-profit incubator

  • Who it’s for


  • What it’s for

    Public, private and nonprofit consortium helps refugees in all stages

  • Private incubator, nonprofit, with general focus.
  • The refugee/migrant program was founded by the foundation The Human Safety Net (Generali Group), and La Ruche was invited to create/organize the ‘incubator program’.
  • The goal was to create a consortium with the public, private and nonprofit actors that can work together and help the refugees in all the different states of the project.
  • Search for clear business ideas, the long-term goal is about integration, empowerment, and identity.
  • Market and resources focused on local/national territory.
  • Offers language trainings, French classes, collective workshops and individual follow-up whit mentors, coaches, besides psychological support.
  • Offers technical support, access the market, how to search finances and money for their projects.
  • Help them with marketing, with negotiations, prospect, and communication, to reach clients and final market. T<
  • hey have networking, spaces, infrastructure, funding, or investments.
  • Using internal/external expert and trainers, use of social media to keep engagement. Digitalized all programs.