What is an X-ray image? The Beer-Lambert law
Slice imaging and history of CT. Inverse problem of tomography
Are you a natural tomographer?
Filtered back-projection and the Radon transform
Why matrices for tomography instead of filtered back-projection?
Singular value decomposition and ill-posedness
Naive and regularized reconstructions for 12x12 pixel tomography
Review of basic regularization methods: Truncated SVD, Tikhonov regularization, total variation regularization, wavelet sparsity
A learning-based approach
Limited angle data and the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022
Nonlinear imaging: passive gamma emission tomography of spent nuclear fuel
More applications
Siiri Rautio, Salla Latva-Äijö, Elli Karvonen and Elena Morotti will help with the sessions.
Exercises on Monday: simple tomographic matrix models.
Lab class on Tuesday: working with open datasets from Helsinki