Research Foresight Workshop

Lexical Change and Variation in Ancient Religious Enculturation / Acculturation phenomena

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  • Date:

    02 FEBRUARY 2022
  • Event location: Jagiellonian University in Krakow - Online event

Krakow, Poland, Aug 17 2018: Garden of The Jagiellonian University Museum. Two statues of scientists near old university building

The Research Foresight Workshop organized on 1 and 2 February 2022 by the University of Krakow with the preliminary title "Lexical change and variation in the phenomena of ancient religious inculturation / acculturation", aims to evaluate the results of the joint explorations that animated the first meeting of the project (Exploratory Workshop) which merged into the "International Conference Interdisciplinary Paths of Historical-Religious Research on the Ancient World: Themes, Concepts, Perspectives" (Bologna, 18-19 May 2021) and further research of project participants.
The partners of the four universities involved will be responsible for identifying - with the support of future participants - the main themes that will be analyzed and then shown jointly. The research discussed in the workshop will be the result of a close collaboration between academic personalities with different disciplinary backgrounds and experiences, in line with the idea of ​​collaboration and alliance established by the UNA Europa network. Future research funding opportunities aimed at the construction and implementation of the LARES Lexicon over the long term will also be discussed (project - Excellence Initiative - Research University, Jagiellonian of Kraków and Erasmus + Blended Intensive Program, University of Bologna).