Linked Open Data for Written Artefacts Intensive Training - May 26th–28th 2021 (NB! Deadline for applying expired)

The training will introduce participants to basic Linked Open Data technologies and show techniques to produce, store, visualize, query, reuse and share data as LOD. Based on the experience of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project, the training will use examples from epigraphy, codicology and papyrology.

Illuminated Ethiopic Manuscript. Ethiopic Manuscript. Image kindly supplied by Ethio- SPaRe, EU 7th Framework Programme, ERC Starting Grant 240720, PI Denis Nosnitsin, 2009-2015, <>.
  • Date:

    26 MAY
    28 MAY 2021
  • Event location: Hamburg (online event zoom)

  • Type: Training events

Ethiopic Manuscript. Image kindly supplied by Ethio- SPaRe, EU 7th Framework Programme, ERC Starting Grant 240720, PI Denis Nosnitsin, 2009-2015, <>.

We encourage applications for the second ENCODE intensive training on Linked Open Data for Written Artefacts based on Ethiopian manuscripts and inscriptions that will be held from 26th to 28th May 2021 at The Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies of the University of Hamburg, in cooperation with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The training will take place on Zoom.

The training will introduce participants to basic Linked Open Data technologies and show techniques to produce, store, visualize, query, reuse and share data as Linked Open RDF data.

Based mainly on the experience of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project, the training will use examples from epigraphy, codicology and papyrology and will welcome further diverse datasets to be connected from those of relevance for the participants. No specific previous knowledge is required.