ENCODE Training workshop Multilingual and Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for Ancient Written Artefacts

The Training is reserved for 20 selected participants, please see the call for application (deadline October 25th). On November 2nd there will be a conference open to everyone - please see programme

Pyrgi Tablet B (TM 146195 ) is one of a set of three golden lamellae, the so-called Pyrgi Tablets, which relate to the dedication of a sanctuary to the Phoenician Goddess Astarte by an Etruscan ruler. They were found in 1964 during excavations and are now in the Etruscan Museum in Rome.
  • Date:

    05 NOVEMBER 2021
  • Event location: KULeuven - Online event

  • Type: Training events

When? November 3-5, 2021 (10-13, 14-17 CET)
Where? Virtually via Microsoft Teams

Workshop trainers: Irene Vagionakis (DiSCi, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna), Pietro Liuzzo (Universität Hamburg), Marta Fogagnolo (DiSCi, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna), Daria Elagina (Universität Hamburg), and Mark Depauw (Trismegistos, KU Leuven)

Guest Speakers: James Cowey (Papyri.info, Universität Heidelberg), Toon Van Hal (Pedalion, KU Leuven) and Reuben Pitts (CEIPoM, KU Leuven)

Wednesday, 3 November
10:00-13:00: Trismegistos workshop on Ancient World texts (Mark Depauw)
14:00-17:00: Papyri.info: Let’s enter some data (James Cowey)

Thursday, 4 November
10:00-13:00 Working with Digital editions of multilingual sources in TEI EpiDoc and Beta Masaheft examples, part I: Theory recap and workspace setup (Irene Vagionakis & Pietro Liuzzo)
14:00-17:00 Working with Digital editions of multilingual sources in TEI EpiDoc and Beta Masaheft examples, part II: Hands-on workshop (Daria Elagina & Marta Fogagnolo)

Friday, 5 November
10:00-13:00 /
14:00-17:00 Learning Ancient Greek and Italic languages through corpora: a presentation of Pedalion and CEIPoM (Toon Van Hal & Reuben Pitts)


Tom Gheldof

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