
Every year we publish several conference papers, journal papers and white papers, presenting our results to the scientific community. From Random Access to User Scheduling, Open-RAN and Beamforming, we contribute with novel algorithms to multiple fields in the Non-Terrestrial Networks literature.

  • M. Villanti; R. Pedone; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G. E. Corazza, Soft Combining Technique for Return Link RACH Code Acquisition in Rice Fading Channels, in: Proc. Of the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006, pp. 415 - 420 (atti di: Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, 29th-31st May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Neri; M. Casadei; A. Vanelli- Coralli; G.E. Corazza, Spatial Interference Cancellation Techniques for Mobile Satellite Systems, in: Proc. of the The first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2006), NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006(atti di: The first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2006), Nice, France, 6 - 10 novembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • G. Albertazzi; S. Papaharalabos; A. Vanelli-Coralli; P. Sweeney; G. E. Corazza; B. Evans, Two Reduced Complexity Decoding Algorithms for DVB-S2 LDPC Code, in: Proc. Of the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006, pp. 421 - 424 (atti di: Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, 29th-31st May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • R. Firrincieli; G. Albertazzi; G.E. Corazza; A. Vanelli Coralli, Comparison of LDGM Code Performance for SDMB Services, in: Proc. Of the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006, pp. 425 - 430 (atti di: Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, 29th-31st May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Casadei; M. Villanti; M. Iubatti; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza, Robust Code Acquisition with Parallel Frequency Testing for Indoor GNSS, in: Proc. of the 3rd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC '2006), NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006(atti di: 3rd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, Estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 11 - 13 dicembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Neri; M. Casadei; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G. E. Corazza, Applicability of Turbo Interference Cancellation Techniques to Mobile Satellite Systems, in: Proc. Of the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2006, pp. 431 - 436 (atti di: Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) Conference, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, 29th-31st May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Iubatti; M. Casadei; R. Pedone; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G. E. Corazza; R. Crescimbeni, Subspace Array Processing for Interference Mitigation in L1-Band Galileo Receivers, in: Proc. of the 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 153 - 157 (atti di: 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), Leganés, Spain, 14 - 15 settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Villanti; M. Iubatti; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza, Adding Up for Frame Synchronization, in: Proc. of the IEEE 63rd Vehicular Technology Conference 2006 (VTC 2006), s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 2266 - 2270 (atti di: The IEEE 63rd Vehicular Technology Conference 2006 (VTC 2006), Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Casadei; M. Neri; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G. E. Corazza, Increasing GMR-1 System Throughput with Turbo Interference Cancellation Techniques, in: Proc. of the 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 121 - 125 (atti di: 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), Leganés, Spain, 14 -15 settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Neri; M. Casadei; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza, Multiuser Detection for S-UMTS and GMR-1 Mobile Systems, in: Proc. Of the International Symposium on Spread-Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) 2006, s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 248 - 252 (atti di: International Symposium on Spread-Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) 2006, Manaus, Brazil, August 28-31, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Iubatti; G. E. Corazza; A. Vanelli-Coralli; M. Villanti, DVB-S2 for Mobile Receivers: A System Study for the Railway Application, in: Proc. of the 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 71 - 75 (atti di: 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), Leganés, Spain, 14 - 15 settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • S. Cioni; G.E. Corazza; M. Neri; A. Vanelli-Coralli, On the Use of DVB-H for Satellite Multimedia Networks, in: Proc. of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2006, s.l, IEEE, 2006, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2006, Helsinki, Finland, 11 -14 settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Iubatti; M. Villanti; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza; S. Corazza, Ephemeris Interpolation Techniques for Assisted Galileo Services, in: Proc. of the 2006 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications, NORWELL, Springer, 2006, pp. 185 - 197 (atti di: The 2006 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications, Ponza, Italy, 5-8 Sept. 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • G.E. Corazza; A. Vanelli-Coralli, Guest Editorial - IJSCN Special Issue on ASMS2004, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2006, 24, pp. 97 - 99 [Scientific article]

  • A. Vanelli-Coralli; G. E. Corazza; C. Bazile; P. Bithas; S. Cioni; L. Castanet; A. Duverdier; W. Gappmair; M. Luglio; P. Mathiopolous; C. Mosquera; L. Ronga; A. Rontogiannis; S. Scalise; M. Vazquez, Digital Satellite Communication Techniques: A review, «EURASIP NEWSLETTER», 2006, 17 [Scientific article]

  • S. Scalise; G.E. Corazza; P. Niebla; P. Chan; G. Giambene; F. Hu; A. Vanelli-Coralli; M.A. Vazquez-Castro, Towards the Revision of DVB-S2/RCS Standard for the Full Support of Mobility, «SSC NEWSLETTER», 2006, 16 n°2, pp. 6 - 8 [Scientific article]

  • G. Albertazzi; S. Cioni; G.E. Corazza; M. Neri; A. Vanelli-Coralli, On the Application of DVB-S2 and DVB-RCS for Mobile Services, in: Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Communications Satellite Systems Conference, ROMA, ICSSC 2005, 2005(atti di: 23RD INT. COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, Roma, 25-28 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • S. Papaharalabos; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza; P. Sweeney; G. Albertazzi; B. Evans, Performance Evaluation of A Modified Log-Domain Sum-Product Algorithm for LDPC Codes, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems 2005, ISWCS'05, s.l, IEEE, 2005(atti di: International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2005 (IWSSC 2005) as part of ISWCS 2005, Siena, 5-9 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Villanti; R. Pedone; A. Vanelli-Coralli; G.E. Corazza, Return Link RACH Code Acquisition Based on Combining Techniques for Future S-DMB Systems, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems 2005, ISWCS 2005, s.l, IEEE, 2005(atti di: International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2005 (IWSSC 2005) as part of ISWCS 2005, Siena, 5-9 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • R. Firrincieli; G. Albertazzi; G.E. Corazza; A. Vanelli-Coralli, Packet Layer FEC for S-DMB Services, in: Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Communications Satellite Systems Conference, ICSSC 2005, s.l, AIAA, 2005(atti di: 23rd Int. Communications Satellite Systems Conference, ICSSC 2005, Roma, 25-28 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]