Inverted Optical Microscope CKX53 Evident

The microscope offers a number of advanced features that allow live cells to be observed in a bright field, while also allowing them to be sampled accurately. With its ability to acquire high-contrast images with a wide field of view, it provides clear, three-dimensional visualization of samples. Fluorescence observation is facilitated by a wide range of fluorescent dyes, enabling detailed and well-defined images. In addition, the LED light source ensures sharp and bright images, enhancing the quality of observation. A particularly useful application is the ability to monitor transfection efficiency in real time by exploiting fluorescence. The integrated camera allows real-time image acquisition, while the dedicated software enables accurate measurement of various parameters such as distance between cells, diameter and size, as well as allowing notes to be entered on the image. 

During capture, parameters such as brightness, contrast, white balance and exposure time can be changed to optimize images. The changes made can be saved directly. Finally, the presence of a built-in screen and the ability to view images in real time via a dedicated smartphone app make interaction with users, particularly students, immediate and highly educational, enhancing the learning experience and training.

For service use of the instrument and/or possible scientific collaborations, please make contact with:


  • bright field and phase contrast (NA 0.3, WD 72 mm-190 mm) 
  • Set of plan achromatic objectives for phase contrast as follows: 
      4x (NA 0.1; WD 18.5 mm);
     (long working distance NA 0.25, WD 8.80 mm);
    20x (long working distance 3.20 mm, NA 0.4);
    (long working distance 2.20 mm, NA 0.55) 
  • LED fluorescence excitation light source 
  • Reflected light illuminator with 4-filter slide for observations in DAPI, FITC/GFP/AF488, 
  • TRITC/RFP/AF568/AF594 
  • CAM-EP50 Camera EP50 CMOS  5 Mpx full HD color
  • 10” full HD Screen