5 March 2023: Chiara Pagani, University of Bologna

Chiara Pagani, University of Bologna. Braided Lie algebras of gauge transformations for noncommutative Hopf-Galois extensions.

This talk will take place in the blue seminar room, back building Žitná 25, and on Zoom.

In noncommutative geometry Hopf–Galois algebra extensions are treated as principal bundles. In this context, it is an open question to define the noncommutative analogue of bundle automorphisms and gauge transformations.
I will present recent results on the study of braided Lie and Hopf algebras of infinitesimal gauge transformations for noncommutative H-Galois algebra extensions which are equivariant (HK Hopf modules) under a triangular Hopf algebra K

Seminar based on recent joint works with Paolo Aschieri (Piemonte Orientale) and Giovanni Landi (Trieste).

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