Read about the latest publications of the BIT-ACT research team members, learn about our forthcoming ones


Odilla, FernandaThe Digitalisation of Anti-Corruption in Brazil: Scandals, Reforms and Innovation. Routledge.

Huss, Oksana, Alice Mattoni and Fernanda Odilla. "Political Institutions and the Corruption of Politics". In Handbook of Comparative Political Institutionsedited by Adrian Vatter and Rahel Freiburghaus. Edward Elgar.

Odilla, Fernanda and Tsimonis Konstantinos (Eds.). Corruption and Anti-Corruption Upside Down: New Perspectives from the Global South. Palgrave.

Chakraborty, Anwesha. "Curbing electoral corruption: two South Asian civil society efforts to build robust democracies". In Exploring Hope: Innovation and Change in the Global South, edited by Marcelo Sili et al. Springer Publishing.

Huss, Oksana. “Anti-corruption policies before, after the Revolution of Dignity, and during the war in Ukraine.” In: The Russian-Ukrainian War in Patronal Perspective: Structural Consequences in the Ukrainian Regime. Bálint Madlovics, Bálint Magyar eds., CEU Press.

Academic Publications

Odilla, Fernanda and Clarissa Veloso. 2024. "Citizens and their bots that sniff corruption: Using digital media to expose politicians who misuse public money". American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0), 1-23.

Lo Piccolo, Alessandra. 2024. "Between Cooptation and Surveillance: Varieties of Civic Monitoring in Spain". SocietàMutamentoPolitica 15(29): 63-74.

Odilla, Fernanda. 2024. "Unfairness in AI anti-corruption tools: main drivers and consequences". Minds and Machines, 34, 28 (2024).

Mattoni, Alice (Ed). 2024. Digital Media and Grassroots Anti-Corruption. Edward Elgar. 

Mattoni, Alice and Diego Ceccobelli. 2024. Activists in the Data Stream: The Practices of Daily Grassroots Politics in Southern Europe. Bristol University Press and Policy Press.

Pozsgai-Alvarez, Joseph and Oksana Huss. 2024. "The meeting of two worlds: strategic corruption as an emerging concept in (anti-)corruption studies and international relations". Contemporary Politics, 1–22.

Lo Piccolo, Alessandra. 2024. "Strategies for Whistleblowing: How Civil Society Organizations Intervene in the Process of Blowing the Whistle". Partecipazione e Conflitto, 17(1), 191-209, doi: 10.1285/i20356609v17i1p191

Odilla, Fernanda and Alice Mattoni2023. "Unveiling the layers of data activism: the organising of civic innovation to fight corruption in Brazil". Big Data & Society 10(2), 1-17.

Chakraborty, Anwesha and Alice Mattoni. 2023. "Addressing corruption through visual tools in India: the case of three civil society initiatives and their Facebook pages", Visual Studies, 0, 1 – 18.

Mattoni, Alice and Anwesha Chakraborty. 2023. “Visual Memory in Grassroots Mobilizations: The Case of the Anti-Corruption Movement of 2011 in India”, in The Visual Memory of Protest, edited by Ann Rigney and Thomas Smits. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 159 – 180.

Lo Piccolo, Alessandra. 2023. "Anticorruption frames: Bridging accountability". Journal of Civil Society19(3), 251–270.  

Chakraborty, Anwesha and Alice Mattoni. 2023. "Social Media Outrage against Fake COVID Tests: Decoding an Instance of Flash Activism in Bangladesh", Sociologica17(1), 77–89. 

Fubini, Alice. 2023. “More than just shifting boundaries. Informative activism from a comparative perspective”, Problemi dell'informazione, 1, 37-62, doi: 10.1445/106769 

Odilla, Fernanda. 2023. "Bots against corruption: Exploring the benefits and limitations of AI-based anti-corruption technology". Crime Law Soc Change 80, 353–396 (2023).

Mattoni, Alice. 2022. "Technology and Social Movements" in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Movements (2nd edition), edited by Donatella della Porta, Doug Mc Adam and David Snow.

della Porta, Donatella and Alice Mattoni. 2022. "Anti-Corruption Movements" in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Movements (2nd edition), edited by Donatella della Porta, Doug Mc Adam, and David Snow.

Huss, Oksana. 2022. "What Makes Ukraine Resilient in the Asymmetric War?". Global Cooperation Research - A Quarterly Magazine, eds. Patricia Rinck and Tobias Debiel, issue 4, no. 1 (July 2022)

Praça, Sergio, Fernanda Odilla and João V. Guedes-Neto. 2022. "Patronage Appointments in Brazil, 2011 - 2019". In The Politics of Patronage in Latin America: Trust and Roles in Public Administration, edited by Francisco E. Panizza, B. Guy Peters and Conrado Ramos. Pittsburgh, USA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Mattoni, Alice and Fernanda Odilla. 2021. Digital Media, Activism, and Social Movements’ Outcomes in the Policy Arena. The Case of Two Anti-Corruption Mobilizations in Brazil. PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO, 14(3), 1127–1150.

Mattoni, Alice. 2021. "Digital Media in Grassroots Anti-Corruption Mobilizations". In Oxford Handbook of Digital Media, edited by Deana Rohlinger and Sarah Sobjerai. Oxford ; Malden, Mass.: Oxford University Press.

della Porta, Donatella and Alice Mattoni. 2021. “Civil Society Against Corruption.” In Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government, edited by Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes, and Bo Rothstein. Oxford ; Malden, Mass.: Oxford University Press.

Odilla, Fernanda and Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari. (2021). "Corruption control under fire: a brief history of Brazil’s Office of the Comptroller General" in The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America , edited by Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez. London: Routledge.

Huss, Oksana, and Oleksandra Keudel. 2021. Open Budget: Learning from the Open School Platform in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. Case Study for the IIEP-UNESCO Research Project ‘Open Government in Education: Learning from Experience’. Bologna, Italy: Bononia University Press, 2021. 

Lagunes, Paul, Fernanda Odilla, and Jan Svejnar (editors). 2021. Corrupção e o escândalo da Lava Jato na América Latina [Corruption and the Car Wash Scandal in Latin America]. São Paulo: FGV Editora. 

Sam, Jillet S., Anwesha Chakraborty and Srinivasan Janaki. 2021. Cashlessness in India: Vision, policy and practices, Telecommunications Policy, 2021, 45, pp. 1- 6.

Huss, Oksana. 2021. Sc.Ed.. Corruption research: Theoretical and conceptual foundations. Anthology. (In Ukr. Дослідження корупції: теоретичні та концептуальні засади. Антологія.Kyiv: Dukh I litera.

Grimes, Marcia, Oksana Huss and Ksenia Ivanyshyn. 2021. Building Political Will to Combat Corruption. Policy Brief. Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy, ICLD. 

Khambekova, Kristina, Alina Los, and Oksana Huss. 2021. "Corruption Framing and Formation of Action Strategies: Case of Regional Civil Society Organizations in Ukraine". Crime, Law and Social Change, 28 April 2021.

Huss, Oksana, and Oleksandra Keudel. "Nations in Transit Country Report: Ukraine". Freedom House, 2021. 

Mattoni, Alice 2020. "The grounded theory method to study data-enabled activism against corruption: Between global communicative infrastructures and local activists’ experiences of big data". European Journal of Communication, 35(3), 265–277. 

Huss, Oksana, Max Bader, Andriy Meleshevych, and Oksana Nesterenko. 2020. “Explaining Variation in the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Activism in Ukraine’s Regions: The Role of Local Context, Political Will, Institutional Factors, and Structural Factors.” Demokratizatsiya; Washington 28, no. 2 (Spring 2020): 201–27.

Huss, Oksana. 2020. How Corruption and Anti-Corruption Policies Sustain Hybrid Regimes: Strategies of Political Domination under Ukraine’s Presidents in 1994-2014. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society. Stuttgart: Ibidem, New York: Columbia University Press.

Odilla, Fernanda. 2020. "Oversee and Punish: Understanding the Fight Against Corruption Involving Government Workers in Brazil". In Politics and Governance. Thematic issue: Volume 8, Issue 2 - Fighting Corruption in the Developed World: Dimensions, Patterns, Remedies.

Piccio, Daniela and Alice Mattoni. 2020. "Ethics in political science research: Regulatory practices and practical suggestions." In Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity, edited by Ron Iphofen. Springer.

Mattoni, Alice. 2017. “From Data Extraction to Data Leaking. Data-Activism in Italian and Spanish Anti-Corruption Campaigns.” Partecipazione e Conflitto 10 (3): 723–46.