Get engaged! Come and discover the opportunities for development cooperation.

17 April at 5.00 / 6.30
Sala Sozzi, Palazzo del Ridotto (Palazzo del Capitano)
Piazza Almerici 7, Cesena

Local and global sustainability. How to actively contribute in your country or abroad?

In addition to studying, passing exams and field training, other experiences are useful to learn by doing ... something useful for yourself, others and the planet!

Volunteering in development cooperation, civil service in your city or abroad, or concrete initiatives to solve everyday problems are among them.

At the Palazzo del Ridotto, in front of the Malatestiana Library in Cesena, a meeting will be held for all University students in the Cesena Campus, organized on the framework of the photografy show "AlmaEngage: from the world to the world. The development cooperation projects of the University of Bologna" (at the Malatesta Library).

After institutional greetings, all students are welcome to take part and listen to available opportunities of international voluntary service, civil service or other initiatives to protect the environment and support our community.

The programme includes the following interventions:

  • Institutional Greetings

Prorector for International Relations, Alessandra Scagliarini
Prorector of Digital Technologies, Paola Salomoni
Director of the Cesena Campus, Luciano Margara

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere (IT Without Frontiers)

Franco Visentin, Vice President and Regional Coordinator Emilia Romagna Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS

  • GVC - Group of Civil Volunteers and EU Aid Volunteers

Marina Mantini, EU Aid Volunteers Communication Manager

  • AVSI - People For development

Pierpaolo Bravin, AVSI foundation. Testimonials from: Giulia Colaluce, Nikita Ottaviani

  • Vet for Africa

Oliviero Mordenti, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

  • Trashware Project of the student association S.P.R.I.Te

AlmaEngage is a virtual structure for coordinating development cooperation activities within the University of Bologna at a local and an international level. AlmaEngage is part of a broader process in which universities are opening up to the outside world, are actively engaging in social and public issues and are sharing as well as transferring knowledge to the benefit of society. This project serves as a way to promote and put in place any planned initiatives, as well as to create and implement new ones aimed at sensitizing and stimulating academic and non-academic stakeholders on the themes of development cooperation.

Sala Sozzi - Palazzo del Ridotto

Piazza Almerici, 7, 47521 Cesena FC, Italia



Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


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